[2024-03-01 20:37:13,329] multiqc [DEBUG ] This is MultiQC v1.14 [2024-03-01 20:37:13,360] multiqc [DEBUG ] Loading config settings from: multiqc_config.yml [2024-03-01 20:37:13,361] multiqc [DEBUG ] New config: {'report_comment': 'This report has been generated by the nf-core/hicar analysis pipeline. For information about how to interpret these results, please see the documentation.\n', 'report_section_order': {'nf-core-hicar-methods-description': {'order': -1000}, 'software_versions': {'order': -1001}, 'nf-core-hicar-summary': {'order': -1002}}, 'export_plots': True, 'run_modules': ['custom_content', 'fastqc', 'cutadapt', 'samtools'], 'table_columns_visible': {'Samtools': {'reads_properly_paired_percent': False, 'non-primary_alignments': False}}, 'ignore_images': False, 'custom_data': {'pairs_reads_stats': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'parent_name': 'PAIRS QC', 'parent_description': 'Pairs QC report', 'section_name': 'PAIRS reads stats', 'description': 'Table of mapped reads stats. The duplication rate should be lower than 50%. 20%~30% is a good level for 60M PE reads for the human genome. For shallow sequencing, <30% duplication rate should be the cutting value for further deep sequencing. Too low duplication rate (<5%) may indicate low specific chromatin interactions. These numbers are estimated by several hypothesis. We set the actual mappable genome size to 70% of the original genome size. And the open chromatin interacts region is about 2% of the genome. Take the human genome as an example, the possible unique reads for 60M will be, (3G * 70% * 2%)/60M, about 70%. This is about a 30% duplication rate. Those hypotheses are consistent with real data of ChIP-seq.', 'file_format': 'csv', 'plot_type': 'table', 'pconfig': {'id': 'pairs_reads_stats_table', 'table_title': 'PAIRS reads stats', 'namespace': 'PAIRS reads stats'}}, 'pairs_reads_plot': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'PAIRS reads stats barplot', 'description': 'Barplot for the reads stats. If the longRange rate is unbalanced for each group, it may affect the directly comparison the number of interactions/loops. In this case, you may want to try to set resample_pairs = true', 'file_format': 'csv', 'plot_type': 'bargraph', 'pconfig': {'id': 'pairs_reads_stats_bar', 'title': 'Pairs reads stats bar plot'}}, 'pairs_reads_detailed_summary': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'PAIRS reads detailed summary', 'description': "Cis-to-trans ratio is computed as the ratio of long-range cis reads (>20kb) to trans reads plus long-range cis reads. Typically, cis-to-trans ratio higher than 40% is required. Percentage of long-range cis reads is the ratio of long-range cis reads to total number of reads. Minimum 15% is required and 40% or higher suggests a good library(doi:10.1016/j.cell.2014.11.021). Convergence is determined as standard deviation of proportions of four read orientations to be <0.002 (Very good) or <0.05 (Good) (See section Proportion of read orientation versus genomic separation in the pairsqc_report file under pairs/QC/). The slope of log10 contact probability vs distance between 10kb ~ 300kb representing TAD is also provided as well. (See section Contact probability versus genomic separation in the pairsqc_report file under pairs/QC/)", 'file_format': 'csv', 'plot_type': 'table', 'pconfig': {'id': 'pairs_reads_detailed_summary_table', 'table_title': 'PAIRS reads detailed summary', 'namespace': 'PAIRS reads detailed summary', 'format': '{:.2f}'}}, 'pairs_reads_proportion': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'Proportion of read orientation versus genomic separation', 'description': 'Contact proportion of reads are shown, stratified by read orientation. Good samples would show no bias in proportion >3kb(10^3.5).', 'file_format': 'json', 'plot_type': 'scatter', 'pconfig': {'id': 'pairs_reads_proportion_vs_distance', 'title': 'Reads distance vs proportions', 'xlab': 'distance (kb)', 'ylab': 'Proportion', 'ymin': 0, 'ymax': 1, 'marker_size': 3, 'marker_line_colour': '#999999'}}, 'atac_peaks_qc': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'ATAC R2 reads quality control', 'description': 'ATAC reads quality control including FRiP, TSS enrichment score and so on.', 'helptext': '*Fraction of reads in peaks (FRiP)* – Fraction of all mapped reads that fall into the called peak regions,\ni.e. usable reads in significantly enriched peaks divided by all usable reads.\nIn general, FRiP scores correlate positively with the number of regions.\n([Landt et al, Genome Research Sept. 2012, 22(9): 1813–1831](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22955991/).\n*FRiP should be greater than 1%*\n\n*TSS enrichment score* is a ratio between aggregate distribution of reads centered on TSSs\nand that flanking the corresponding TSSs.\nTSS score = the depth of TSS (each 100bp window within 1000 bp each side) / the depth of end flanks (100bp each end).\nTSSE score = max(mean(TSS score in each window)).\nTSS enrichment score is calculated according to the definition at [ENCODE TSSE score](https://www.encodeproject.org/data-standards/terms/#enrichment).\nTranscription start site (TSS) enrichment values are dependent on the reference files used;\ncutoff values for high quality data are listed in the following table from\n[ENCODE ATAC-seq QC](https://www.encodeproject.org/atac-seq/).\nFor HiCAR, only R2 reads is used in TSSE score calculation and reads enrichment is following\nexponential ratio, we adjusted the TSSE score range.\nTSSEscore < 1.5: concerning;\nTSSEscore 1.5-3.5: acceptable;\nTSSEscore > 3.5: Ideal.\n\nPromoter/Transcript body proportions is test for the R2 reads enriched in promoters or in transcript body.\n', 'file_format': 'csv', 'plot_type': 'table', 'pconfig': {'id': 'atac_peaks_qc_table', 'table_title': 'ATAC R2 reads quality control', 'namespace': 'ATAC R2 reads quality control'}}, 'maps_qc': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'MAPS peak calling summary', 'description': 'MAPS summary is output of MAPS.
"AND" set: Bin pairs with both ends overlapping two anchors of interaction.
"XOR" set: Bin pairs with one end overlapping one anchor of the interaction.
Singletons are defined as isolated significant bin pairs without adjacent ones.', 'file_format': 'csv', 'plot_type': 'table', 'pconfig': {'id': 'maps_peaks_qc_table', 'table_title': 'MAPS peak calling summary', 'namespace': 'MAPS peak calling summary'}}, 'sample_pca': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'PCA analysis', 'description': 'PCA analysis by edgeR.', 'file_format': 'json', 'plot_type': 'scatter', 'pconfig': {'id': 'sample_pca', 'title': 'PCA analysis by edgeR', 'xlab': 'PC1', 'ylab': 'PC2', 'marker_size': 3}}, 'pairs_peaks_genomic_dist': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'Peaks genomic element distribution', 'description': 'The genomic element distribution of the peaks. Promoter region is defined as upstream 2000 and downstream 500 from TSS. geneDownstream is defined as downstream 2000 from TES.', 'file_format': 'png'}, 'other_side_genomic_dist': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'The genomeic element distribution for the peaks interacting with promoters', 'description': 'The genomic element distribution of the other sites of promoter peaks. Promoter region is defined as upstream 2000 and downstream 500 from TSS. geneDownstream is defined as downstream 2000 from TES.', 'file_format': 'png'}}} [2024-03-01 20:37:13,361] multiqc [DEBUG ] Added to filename patterns: [{'pairs_reads_stats': {'fn': 'reads_summary.csv'}, 'pairs_reads_plot': {'fn': 'reads_summary_rate.csv'}, 'pairs_reads_detailed_summary': {'fn': 'pairsqc_summary_out.csv'}, 'pairs_reads_proportion': {'fn': 'dist.prop.qc.json'}, 'atac_peaks_qc': {'fn': 'TSSEscore_FRiP.csv'}, 'maps_qc': {'fn': 'MAPS_summary_out.csv'}, 'sample_pca': {'fn': 'Multidimensional.scaling.qc.json'}, 'pairs_peaks_genomic_dist': {'fn': 'genomicElementDistribuitonOfEachPeakList.*.png'}, 'other_side_genomic_dist': {'fn': 'genomicElementDistribuitonOfremoteInteractionPeaks.*.png'}}] [2024-03-01 20:37:13,375] multiqc [DEBUG ] Loading config settings from: multiqc_config.yml [2024-03-01 20:37:13,375] multiqc [DEBUG ] New config: {'report_comment': 'This report has been generated by the nf-core/hicar analysis pipeline. For information about how to interpret these results, please see the documentation.\n', 'report_section_order': {'nf-core-hicar-methods-description': {'order': -1000}, 'software_versions': {'order': -1001}, 'nf-core-hicar-summary': {'order': -1002}}, 'export_plots': True, 'run_modules': ['custom_content', 'fastqc', 'cutadapt', 'samtools'], 'table_columns_visible': {'Samtools': {'reads_properly_paired_percent': False, 'non-primary_alignments': False}}, 'ignore_images': False, 'custom_data': {'pairs_reads_stats': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'parent_name': 'PAIRS QC', 'parent_description': 'Pairs QC report', 'section_name': 'PAIRS reads stats', 'description': 'Table of mapped reads stats. The duplication rate should be lower than 50%. 20%~30% is a good level for 60M PE reads for the human genome. For shallow sequencing, <30% duplication rate should be the cutting value for further deep sequencing. Too low duplication rate (<5%) may indicate low specific chromatin interactions. These numbers are estimated by several hypothesis. We set the actual mappable genome size to 70% of the original genome size. And the open chromatin interacts region is about 2% of the genome. Take the human genome as an example, the possible unique reads for 60M will be, (3G * 70% * 2%)/60M, about 70%. This is about a 30% duplication rate. Those hypotheses are consistent with real data of ChIP-seq.', 'file_format': 'csv', 'plot_type': 'table', 'pconfig': {'id': 'pairs_reads_stats_table', 'table_title': 'PAIRS reads stats', 'namespace': 'PAIRS reads stats'}}, 'pairs_reads_plot': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'PAIRS reads stats barplot', 'description': 'Barplot for the reads stats. If the longRange rate is unbalanced for each group, it may affect the directly comparison the number of interactions/loops. In this case, you may want to try to set resample_pairs = true', 'file_format': 'csv', 'plot_type': 'bargraph', 'pconfig': {'id': 'pairs_reads_stats_bar', 'title': 'Pairs reads stats bar plot'}}, 'pairs_reads_detailed_summary': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'PAIRS reads detailed summary', 'description': "Cis-to-trans ratio is computed as the ratio of long-range cis reads (>20kb) to trans reads plus long-range cis reads. Typically, cis-to-trans ratio higher than 40% is required. Percentage of long-range cis reads is the ratio of long-range cis reads to total number of reads. Minimum 15% is required and 40% or higher suggests a good library(doi:10.1016/j.cell.2014.11.021). Convergence is determined as standard deviation of proportions of four read orientations to be <0.002 (Very good) or <0.05 (Good) (See section Proportion of read orientation versus genomic separation in the pairsqc_report file under pairs/QC/). The slope of log10 contact probability vs distance between 10kb ~ 300kb representing TAD is also provided as well. (See section Contact probability versus genomic separation in the pairsqc_report file under pairs/QC/)", 'file_format': 'csv', 'plot_type': 'table', 'pconfig': {'id': 'pairs_reads_detailed_summary_table', 'table_title': 'PAIRS reads detailed summary', 'namespace': 'PAIRS reads detailed summary', 'format': '{:.2f}'}}, 'pairs_reads_proportion': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'Proportion of read orientation versus genomic separation', 'description': 'Contact proportion of reads are shown, stratified by read orientation. Good samples would show no bias in proportion >3kb(10^3.5).', 'file_format': 'json', 'plot_type': 'scatter', 'pconfig': {'id': 'pairs_reads_proportion_vs_distance', 'title': 'Reads distance vs proportions', 'xlab': 'distance (kb)', 'ylab': 'Proportion', 'ymin': 0, 'ymax': 1, 'marker_size': 3, 'marker_line_colour': '#999999'}}, 'atac_peaks_qc': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'ATAC R2 reads quality control', 'description': 'ATAC reads quality control including FRiP, TSS enrichment score and so on.', 'helptext': '*Fraction of reads in peaks (FRiP)* – Fraction of all mapped reads that fall into the called peak regions,\ni.e. usable reads in significantly enriched peaks divided by all usable reads.\nIn general, FRiP scores correlate positively with the number of regions.\n([Landt et al, Genome Research Sept. 2012, 22(9): 1813–1831](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22955991/).\n*FRiP should be greater than 1%*\n\n*TSS enrichment score* is a ratio between aggregate distribution of reads centered on TSSs\nand that flanking the corresponding TSSs.\nTSS score = the depth of TSS (each 100bp window within 1000 bp each side) / the depth of end flanks (100bp each end).\nTSSE score = max(mean(TSS score in each window)).\nTSS enrichment score is calculated according to the definition at [ENCODE TSSE score](https://www.encodeproject.org/data-standards/terms/#enrichment).\nTranscription start site (TSS) enrichment values are dependent on the reference files used;\ncutoff values for high quality data are listed in the following table from\n[ENCODE ATAC-seq QC](https://www.encodeproject.org/atac-seq/).\nFor HiCAR, only R2 reads is used in TSSE score calculation and reads enrichment is following\nexponential ratio, we adjusted the TSSE score range.\nTSSEscore < 1.5: concerning;\nTSSEscore 1.5-3.5: acceptable;\nTSSEscore > 3.5: Ideal.\n\nPromoter/Transcript body proportions is test for the R2 reads enriched in promoters or in transcript body.\n', 'file_format': 'csv', 'plot_type': 'table', 'pconfig': {'id': 'atac_peaks_qc_table', 'table_title': 'ATAC R2 reads quality control', 'namespace': 'ATAC R2 reads quality control'}}, 'maps_qc': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'MAPS peak calling summary', 'description': 'MAPS summary is output of MAPS.
"AND" set: Bin pairs with both ends overlapping two anchors of interaction.
"XOR" set: Bin pairs with one end overlapping one anchor of the interaction.
Singletons are defined as isolated significant bin pairs without adjacent ones.', 'file_format': 'csv', 'plot_type': 'table', 'pconfig': {'id': 'maps_peaks_qc_table', 'table_title': 'MAPS peak calling summary', 'namespace': 'MAPS peak calling summary'}}, 'sample_pca': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'PCA analysis', 'description': 'PCA analysis by edgeR.', 'file_format': 'json', 'plot_type': 'scatter', 'pconfig': {'id': 'sample_pca', 'title': 'PCA analysis by edgeR', 'xlab': 'PC1', 'ylab': 'PC2', 'marker_size': 3}}, 'pairs_peaks_genomic_dist': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'Peaks genomic element distribution', 'description': 'The genomic element distribution of the peaks. Promoter region is defined as upstream 2000 and downstream 500 from TSS. geneDownstream is defined as downstream 2000 from TES.', 'file_format': 'png'}, 'other_side_genomic_dist': {'parent_id': 'pairs_qc', 'section_name': 'The genomeic element distribution for the peaks interacting with promoters', 'description': 'The genomic element distribution of the other sites of promoter peaks. Promoter region is defined as upstream 2000 and downstream 500 from TSS. geneDownstream is defined as downstream 2000 from TES.', 'file_format': 'png'}}} [2024-03-01 20:37:13,375] multiqc [DEBUG ] Added to filename patterns: [{'pairs_reads_stats': {'fn': 'reads_summary.csv'}, 'pairs_reads_plot': {'fn': 'reads_summary_rate.csv'}, 'pairs_reads_detailed_summary': {'fn': 'pairsqc_summary_out.csv'}, 'pairs_reads_proportion': {'fn': 'dist.prop.qc.json'}, 'atac_peaks_qc': {'fn': 'TSSEscore_FRiP.csv'}, 'maps_qc': {'fn': 'MAPS_summary_out.csv'}, 'sample_pca': {'fn': 'Multidimensional.scaling.qc.json'}, 'pairs_peaks_genomic_dist': {'fn': 'genomicElementDistribuitonOfEachPeakList.*.png'}, 'other_side_genomic_dist': {'fn': 'genomicElementDistribuitonOfremoteInteractionPeaks.*.png'}}] [2024-03-01 20:37:13,375] multiqc [DEBUG ] Command used: /usr/local/bin/multiqc --force --config multiqc_config.yml . [2024-03-01 20:37:14,063] multiqc [WARNING] MultiQC Version v1.21 now available! [2024-03-01 20:37:14,063] multiqc [DEBUG ] Working dir : /home/FCAM/jcotney/ANALYSIS/ChIA-PET/nlegere/work/48/4e16568523d34bd7eaf48afd29aa62 [2024-03-01 20:37:14,064] multiqc [DEBUG ] Template : default [2024-03-01 20:37:14,064] multiqc [DEBUG ] Running Python 3.11.0 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Oct 25 2022, 06:24:40) [GCC 10.4.0] [2024-03-01 20:37:14,065] multiqc [INFO ] Only using modules: custom_content, fastqc, cutadapt, samtools [2024-03-01 20:37:14,065] multiqc [DEBUG ] Analysing modules: custom_content, samtools, cutadapt, fastqc [2024-03-01 20:37:14,069] multiqc [DEBUG ] Using temporary directory for creating report: /home/FCAM/nlegere/tmp/tmpff9o4mqb [2024-03-01 20:37:14,250] multiqc [INFO ] Search path : /home/FCAM/jcotney/ANALYSIS/ChIA-PET/nlegere/work/48/4e16568523d34bd7eaf48afd29aa62 [2024-03-01 20:37:14,251] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignored 294 search patterns as didn't match running modules. [2024-03-01 20:37:14,546] multiqc [DEBUG ] Summary of files that were skipped by the search: [skipped_no_match: 12] [2024-03-01 20:37:14,915] multiqc.plots.bargraph [DEBUG ] Using matplotlib version 3.6.2 [2024-03-01 20:37:14,916] multiqc.plots.linegraph [DEBUG ] Using matplotlib version 3.6.2 [2024-03-01 20:37:14,938] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [WARNING] Error parsing JSON file 'dist.prop.qc.json' (probably invalid JSON) [2024-03-01 20:37:14,938] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [WARNING] JSON error: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 4 column 1 (char 42) [2024-03-01 20:37:14,941] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [WARNING] Error parsing JSON file 'Multidimensional.scaling.qc.json' (probably invalid JSON) [2024-03-01 20:37:14,942] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [WARNING] JSON error: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 4 column 1 (char 30) [2024-03-01 20:37:14,942] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [DEBUG ] No samples found: custom content (pairs_peaks_genomic_dist) [2024-03-01 20:37:14,942] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [DEBUG ] No samples found: custom content (other_side_genomic_dist) [2024-03-01 20:37:14,979] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [INFO ] pairs_reads_stats: Found 5 samples (table) [2024-03-01 20:37:16,225] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [INFO ] pairs_reads_plot: Found 5 samples (bargraph) [2024-03-01 20:37:16,237] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [INFO ] pairs_reads_detailed_summary: Found 5 samples (table) [2024-03-01 20:37:16,249] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [INFO ] atac_peaks_qc: Found 2 samples (table) [2024-03-01 20:37:16,298] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [INFO ] maps_qc: Found 4 samples (table) [2024-03-01 20:37:16,298] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [INFO ] nf-core-hicar-methods-description: Found 1 sample (html) [2024-03-01 20:37:16,298] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [INFO ] nf-core-hicar-summary: Found 1 sample (html) [2024-03-01 20:37:16,298] multiqc.modules.custom_content.custom_content [INFO ] software_versions: Found 1 sample (html) [2024-03-01 20:37:20,036] multiqc.modules.samtools.samtools [INFO ] Found 5 idxstats reports [2024-03-01 20:37:20,337] multiqc.modules.fastqc.fastqc [INFO ] Found 10 reports [2024-03-01 20:37:26,643] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'nf-core-hicar-methods-description' not found for module 'PAIRS QC'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,644] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'software_versions' not found for module 'PAIRS QC'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,644] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'nf-core-hicar-summary' not found for module 'PAIRS QC'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,644] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'nf-core-hicar-methods-description' not found for module 'Samtools'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,644] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'software_versions' not found for module 'Samtools'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,644] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'nf-core-hicar-summary' not found for module 'Samtools'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,644] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'nf-core-hicar-methods-description' not found for module 'FastQC'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,645] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'software_versions' not found for module 'FastQC'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,645] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'nf-core-hicar-summary' not found for module 'FastQC'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,645] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'nf-core-hicar-methods-description' not found for module 'nf-core/hicar Methods Description'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,645] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'software_versions' not found for module 'nf-core/hicar Methods Description'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,645] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'nf-core-hicar-summary' not found for module 'nf-core/hicar Methods Description'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,645] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'nf-core-hicar-methods-description' not found for module 'nf-core/hicar Software Versions'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,645] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'software_versions' not found for module 'nf-core/hicar Software Versions'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,646] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'nf-core-hicar-summary' not found for module 'nf-core/hicar Software Versions'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,646] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'nf-core-hicar-methods-description' not found for module 'nf-core/hicar Workflow Summary'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,646] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'software_versions' not found for module 'nf-core/hicar Workflow Summary'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,646] multiqc [DEBUG ] Reordering sections: anchor 'nf-core-hicar-summary' not found for module 'nf-core/hicar Workflow Summary'. [2024-03-01 20:37:26,696] multiqc [INFO ] Compressing plot data [2024-03-01 20:37:26,834] multiqc [INFO ] Report : multiqc_report.html [2024-03-01 20:37:26,834] multiqc [INFO ] Data : multiqc_data [2024-03-01 20:37:26,834] multiqc [DEBUG ] Moving data file from '/home/FCAM/nlegere/tmp/tmpff9o4mqb/multiqc_data' to '/home/FCAM/jcotney/ANALYSIS/ChIA-PET/nlegere/work/48/4e16568523d34bd7eaf48afd29aa62/multiqc_data' [2024-03-01 20:37:27,140] multiqc [INFO ] Plots : multiqc_plots [2024-03-01 20:37:27,140] multiqc [DEBUG ] Moving plots directory from '/home/FCAM/nlegere/tmp/tmpff9o4mqb/multiqc_plots' to '/home/FCAM/jcotney/ANALYSIS/ChIA-PET/nlegere/work/48/4e16568523d34bd7eaf48afd29aa62/multiqc_plots' [2024-03-01 20:37:28,883] multiqc [INFO ] MultiQC complete