Jennifer VanOudenhove at UCONN HEALTH built this track, and the Cotney Lab is responsible for its contents.

Methods Description

Human embryonic heart tissue was collected, staged and provided by the Joint MRC/Wellcome Trust Human Developmental Biology Resource. Each embryon is identified by stage_ID. Tissues were flash frozen upon collection and stored at -80C.

Data Analysis

Enhancers were identified from the ChromHMM segmentations for enhancer states (states 13 through 18 from 25 state model). Super-enhancer regions were identified using H3K27ac ChIP-Seq reads at all heart enhancer segments with default parameters in ROSE (Whyte et al., 2013).

Display conventions

Strand Color Legend


Whyte, W.A., Orlando, D.A., Hnisz, D., Abraham, B.J., Lin, C.Y., Kagey, M.H., Rahl, P.B., Lee, T.I., and Young, R.A. (2013). Master transcription factors and mediator establish super-enhancers at key cell identity genes. Cell 153, 307–319.


Please email Jennifer VanOudenhove or Justin Cotney for questions.